Baby Sleep Patterns Guide


New parents learn how priceless a sleeping baby truly is. But often, they don’t know what to do or wait months or years after poor sleep to do something reactively, like buy a course or hire a sleep consultant. Each time they say it was the best investment, because they have their energy and time back, for their hobbies, relationships, and overall functioning. Sleep deprivation, on the other hand, can exacerbate symptoms of postpartum depression, for moms and dads.

But what if there’s a way to optimize sleep for the entire family, with a proactive and holistic approach? I’ve done all the research so you don’t have to.

There are patterns to everything in life, from nature to human behavior, and even baby sleep. Learn and implement proactive healthy sleep habits for your baby, based on research-based baby sleep patterns, before sleep deprivation, difficult-to-undo sleep associations are created, and expensive sleep consultants are needed.

Implementing these baby sleep habits as early as day one, and understanding the basics to healthy sleep, can lead to more restful sleep sooner for the entire family, and a happier baby and parents! It will add predictability, routine, and flexibility throughout your day because you’ll understand how to support baby sleep.

In this 48-page guide: 

  • Important conversations to have as a partnership about baby sleep, before baby is born

  • Establishing a family sleep plan with various strategies to optimize sleep for everyone

  • The main factors to establishing healthy sleep habits and how the patterns change over time

  • Baby sleep on-the-go recommendations

  • Resources including one-page summaries to print out for fridge so everyone can see the useful information

Sometimes knowing the research on outcomes of poor sleep for baby and family can cause anxiety (it did before our first baby), but it also can inspire us to do something about it. The knowledge, tools, framework, and approach can help new parents feel empowered, confident, and flexible to handle any challenges that come their way, because they have a sense of what is going on and how to respond without all the decision fatigue of guessing all day long. And that is what going-with-the-flow is all about.

Sharing this information is one way we can help parents in life’s greatest transition.

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What Others are Saying:

“Reading it pre-baby is SUPER important.” - New parents E and M

“Having a strategic plan for postpartum sleep (for me too, not just my baby) was the difference for me in not experiencing postpartum depression after my second baby.” - J, mom of two

“Understanding baby sleep habits and implementing them was a game-changer! Our baby was sleeping through the night so much sooner, we didn’t have to rock them to sleep all night, and we got a lot of time back in our day. We can’t emphasize how valuable it is to understand this information on baby sleep patterns to meet their needs, reduce overwhelm, and increase understanding of how to support the baby.

“Reading it pre-baby is SUPER important.”


“Understanding baby sleep habits and implementing them was a game-changer!"


“Having a strategic plan for sleeping for our family made the difference."


“New parents need to understand how much they need this!"


“Reading it pre-baby is SUPER important.” - “Understanding baby sleep habits and implementing them was a game-changer!" - “Having a strategic plan for sleeping for our family made the difference." - “New parents need to understand how much they need this!" -